Keep up to date with newsletter 34

Keep up to date with newsletter 34article picture
Published: Monday, October 12, 2015 The launch of our new range of smart sensors is big news. You can read all the details on the new instruments in our latest newsletter. But there is more we would like to share. This newsletter includes research on the Winterlight Greenhouse, user stories by ECN Solar Energy and the University of Malta, as well as an interesting technology by Helioclim where they use the sun to cool things down.

We have expanded our range of smart instruments so you can now measure direct, global, diffuse, long-wave, short-wave and UV radiation, all smart. Newsletter 34 starts with the introduction to this new range and explains its benefits and cost savings.

Together with the greenhouse horticultural sector in the Netherlands, Wageningen University developed the Winterlight Greenhouse that is specifically designed for increased crop production during winter periods in higher latitudes. If you would like to know how our PQS1 par quantum sensor was used for this study, read more on pages 4 and 5.

The research institute ECN Solar Energy has an impressive installation of solar radiation instruments on their roof. Their technical analyst shares his experiences on pages 6 and 7.

In the last newsletter the University of Manchester described their new Meteorological Observatory.  In this issue the Institute of Sustainable Energy of the University of Malta writes about their solar monitoring campaign on pages 8 and 9.

On page 10 you can read about the new technology of Helioclim that uses a solar collector and power absorption for the internal climate management of buildings.

Click here to download the newsletter.

Enjoy reading!

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