Happy newsletter to start 2016!

Happy newsletter to start 2016!article picture
Published: Tuesday, January 19, 2016 Our latest newsletter is now available for download. Since our instruments are used in various fields of research around the world we regularly receive very interesting user stories which we are proud to be able to share with you. This issue, newsletter 35, contains news, (product) developments and customer experiences with our instruments from the Inner Tien Shan, from Mexico and China.

To give you a taster of the contents: 

The Faculty of Geography of the Moscow State University performed real ground-based measurements of albedo on seven glaciers last year. They built their own albedometer with two SP Lite2 pyranometers to make measurements in situ.

On the cover of newsletter 35 is the new Microwave Scintillometer developed together with Radiometer Physics GmbH (RPG). The system includes our LAS MkII scintillometer. Read more about what it is and what it measures on page 5.

We regularly welcome visitors to our head office in Delft, the Netherlands. When a team of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México visited us last year our customer services department was happy to give them a product training and advice on their network expansion. If you are interested in training or just want to visit us at the head office, please feel free to contact contact uss.

In China our distributor Beijing Techno Solutions recently installed a mobile flux observation system. The details of this system, including a CNR4 net radiometer, are described on page 7.

Click here to download the newsletter directly.

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