News, Research & Applications from and with Kipp & Zonen

News, Research & Applications from and with Kipp & Zonenarticle picture
Published: Tuesday, April 1, 2014 We proudly present the latest issue of our newsletter, number 28! An extra-large edition containing news, practical information, case studies, application examples and research. A mix of extremes from climate research on the Kilimanjaro glaciers and sunshine duration studies in Saskatoon to environmental monitoring on Mount Lulin and cool pavement studies in California. For all of these applications our instruments for the measurement of solar radiationare used.

Absorption and reflection of solar radiation has an impact on melting glaciers. We thank Dr. Douglas Hardy for sharing his research on the Kilimanjaro with us, explaining how the CNR 4 net radiometer is used on the automated weather stations where it helps to characterize the summit climate.

On the Climate Reference Station (CRS) in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada, bright sunshine has been one of twenty climate variables monitored for many years. Kipp & Zonen’s CSD 1 Sunshine Duration Sensor was put into operation in January 2001 and recently a CSD 3 Sunshine Duration Sensor has been added near the city of Prince Albert. On page 4 you can review the sunshine data that has been collected over the years.

Our instruments can be found in some exotic locations. A very special one is the Lulin Atmospheric Background Station (LABS) on Mount Lulin in Taiwan. A scientific solar monitoring station based on the SOLYS 2 sun tracker contributes to the study of long-term variability of regional atmospheric chemistry and radiation, as well as cof limate changes and their impacts on Taiwan.

An albedometer combines two CMP pyranometers in one housing, one for the measurement of global solar radiation and one for the measurement of reflected solar radiation. The Lawrence Berkley National Laboratory kindly shares a practical explanation of their albedometer configuration for research into roof and pavement surfaces.

Furthermore, newsletter 28 brings you news on the CVF4 Ventilation Unit and introduces our latest team member.

Download the newsletter from our website here.


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