Customer Stories

Kipp & Zonen instruments are deployed around the world, in different environments and climates, from the Antarctic to deserts. They are installed for meteorology, hydrology, climate research, solar energy, environmental and material testing, greenhouse control, building automation and many other applications.

Solar Energy

The development of alternative energy sources is growing rapidly. Solar radiation is an important source of energy. Measuring solar radiation is the specialty of Kipp & Zonen. Therefore our instruments are often used to calculate the efficiency of both photovoltaic and thermal energy systems.

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Meteorology & Climatology

Meteorology and Climatology is our main market. High accuracy and guaranteed performance are of great importance when it concerns the weather and climate. Therefore weather stations and climate researchers around the world choose Kipp & Zonen instruments.

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The challenge for hydrologists is to gain an accurate insight into the world’s water resources. This requires continuous monitoring of rainfall, river run-off, evaporation, and surface energy fluxes. Kipp & Zonen offers single instruments and high-end solutions for the study of hydrology.

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What are the effects of environmental exposure on products and materials? This is the main subject of industrial research performed outdoors or in a climate chamber. Testing in extreme conditions requires absolute quality like Kipp & Zonen’s high temperature pyranometer

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In agriculture Kipp & Zonen instruments are applied to measure light. Light is essential for the growth of plants. In greenhouses for example, both sunlight and artificial lighting is used.

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Public Health & Environment

One of the major concerns of today is the development of air quality and the affect on public health and safety. Solar radiation, the temperature and atmospheric aerosols are some of the many factors that effect the air quality. Kipp & Zonen instruments are found in different research projects to monitor public health and safety.

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