Greenhouse climate control
Published: Friday, July 25, 2008
Greenhouses create near perfect micro-climates, where the control of water, nutrients, heating, lighting and shading all contribute to an ideal environment for plants. The greatest influence on plant growth is that of the sun. When it shines two processes take place, photosynthesis and the ambient air temperature rises.
Consequently the measurement of solar radiation is of critical importance, as modern retailing requires plants (particularly flowers) to mature and be at their best by a particular date. By controlling the ratio between nutrients, water and radiation (this is achieved by the addition of artificial light), harvest of the crop can be made on a particular date. Precise solar measurements contribute to a high degree of control of the plant growth and to efficient use of energy for heating and lighting the greenhouses.
Typically, in climate control applications, a CMP 3 pyranometer will be ideal. However, in cases where the quality of the data is of great economic importance, for instance cultivation of roses, a CMP 6 is normally used.