Another Brewer for Antarctica!

Another Brewer for Antarctica!article picture
Published: Tuesday, September 6, 2011 In Newsletter 16 we told you about Brewer 100 receiving an extensive factory check, service, calibration and upgrade before being shipped to the new Belgian ‘Princess Elisabeth’ Antarctic Station. Now another Brewer is on its way to Antarctica to measure Ozone and Ultraviolet radiation.

We have just shipped Brewer MkIII number 209 to the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA). The new Brewer will be checked against other Brewers at the JMA headquarters in Tsukuba before shipping to Antarctica later this month for the summer measurement season.

The main Japanese Antarctic Base is Showa Station located on East Ongul Island at Latitude 69.00° S, Longitude 39.58° E. The base operates all year with a peak of over 100 staff. There are also three Japanese summer season stations, Asuka, Mizuho and Dome Fuji, shown on the map.
Japan now has the third largest number of Brewers, behind Canada and the USA, with 18 instruments.

Reference: Newsletter 16

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