New Brewer Spectrophotometer for Korean Meteorological Administration

New Brewer Spectrophotometer for Korean Meteorological Administrationarticle picture
Published: Tuesday, February 24, 2009 Early this year, the Korean Meteorological Administration (KMA), received a new MKIII Brewer Spectrophotometer. This February, Kipp & Zonen sent one of its Brewer engineers to Korea for the installation and training of the assigned operator. Our South-Korean distributor for Brewers, Hanway Trading, accompanied Kipp & Zonen for translation and support.

The KMA already owns older MKIV Brewers to measure ozone and make high accuracy spectral UV scans. An important feature of the MKIII model is the double monochromator, which has a better performance than the single monochromator of the MKIV. The fully automated instrument is controlled by a computer and only needs a daily check by the operator.

After a three day comparison with a MKIV Brewer at the Yonsei University in Seoul, the Brewer was moved for final installation to the Global Atmosphere Watch center on Anmyoen Island. There, the Brewer will be used to study the amount of ozone in the atmosphere and to monitor UV radiation.

The Brewer is installed on the highest point of the building with a clear view of the sky. It is mounted on a special platform that protects it from damage during heavy storms. With the installation completed, the KMA now has a new MKIII Brewer in its network for doing accurate ozone and UV measurements.

Brewer comparison at the Yonsei University in Seoul. From left to right: Young Woo Lee (President of Hanway Trading), Benjamin Pereira (Kipp & Zonen), Young Ho Lee (KMA), Jungbin Mok (Yonsei), Arjan Hoogendoorn (Kipp & Zonen), Chang Ok Ku (Hanway), Young Hwan Lee (Hanway Trading)

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