The LAS instrument provides the structure parameter of the refractive index of air, Cn2. The latter can be considered as a parameter that describes the turbulent intensity of the atmosphere, in particularly related to the turbulent temperature fluctuations. This is way the LAS can be used to measure the sensible heat flux. However, the derivation of the sensible heat flux requires some steps. In each step additional meteorological data is required (see also processing data in the LAS manual):
Step 1: from Cn2 to CT2 requires data of:
- Air temperature
- (Relative Humidity)
- Air pressure
- Bowen-ratio ( )
Step 2: from CT2 to the sensible heat flux H requires data of:
- Air temperature
- Wind speed at 1 level
Step 3: from H to evaporation requires data of:
- Net radiation
- Soil heat flux (preferably measured as closely to the soil surface as possible).
In additional the gravitational acceleration, surface roughness and sensor heights are required.
It is recommended to have the additional data at the same measurement interval as the LAS data.
Step 4: selection of unstable or stable solution H:
For land surface the typical diurnal course of H shows positive values during the day and negative values at night. Explanation: during (sunny) daytime conditions (roughly between sun rise and sun set) the earth’s surface heats up the atmosphere from below. This means H is pointed upward and defined positive. This situation is known as the unstable period. At night (roughly between sun set and sun rise) the surface cools due to long wave radiative cooling. As a result heat from the atmosphere is transported downwards to the surface. Hence, H is negative. This situation is defined as the stable period. The LAS is able to measure the magnitude of the sensible heat flux (H) but not the sign, i.e. is H directed upward (> 0) or downward (< 0)?
There several ways to choose either the unstable or stable solution of H:
Net radiation: During most situations when the net radiation is positive, the atmosphere is unstable. Once the net radiation becomes negative the atmosphere becomes stable. Note that this option is not applicable over intensively irrigated fields.
Global/solar radiation: Although less accurate than net radiation data, but still useable. When the global radiation is higher than approximately 20 Wm-2, the atmosphere is unstable. When it drops below 20 Wm-2, assume stable conditions. The exact values are site/surface dependant.
Temperature profile data: for example air temperature data collected at 0.25m and 3m height. During daytime close to the surface (0.25m) it is warmer than higher up in the atmosphere (3m), i.e. unstable conditions (dT/dz < 0). At night the situation is opposite, cold close to the surface and warm at higher levels, the condition is stable (dT/dz >0). This method is the most reliable one, but requires accurate temperature measurements.
Cn2 data: During clear sunny days the Cn2-signal shows a very distinctive behaviour. Every time the atmosphere changes transition, the Cn2-signal drops to a very small value (® 1e-17). By determining the exact time when this occurs, the average time periods of unstable and stable conditions can be simply determined. During cloudy conditions the exact transition times are difficult to detect and is therefore difficult to automate.